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Knowing Yourself, Inside and Out | Sadhguru

Examiner: I have been seeing your recordings in YouTube, this is the first occasion when that I am seeing you live. In this way, I have an essential inquiries, which will help everybody here. Everybody discusses, you know, knowing ourselves and the initial step is heading inside and afterward the best approach inside is reflection and when I attempt to… Sadhguru: I don't have the foggiest idea, kindly don't (Laughs)… do… I never expressed such things. 
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I don't know which everybody expressed those things (Laughter). Examiner: Okay, so then how would we head inside? Vinita Bali: That is the issue (Laughter). Sadhguru: Inside what, you are as of now inside the lobby (Laughter)? Inside what? Examiner: Inside ourselves. Sadhguru: Ohh (Laughs)! Examiner: Okay, if that is reality of the initial step of knowing responses for all the inquiries, on the off chance that going inside is the appropriate response, at that point how would we do that? Sadhguru: First of all, you should comprehend what is inside, OK, and what is outside. In the event that you don't comprehend what is inside and outside, at that point you will go to all an inappropriate spots. Presently what is inside? Your body – aggregated over some stretch of time, yes or no? Hi, Maa? Members: Yes.
Sadhguru: What you amass can be yours, can't be you. Is that much clear? Members: Yes. Sadhguru: Whatever it might be. What you gather can be yours, can't be you. Along these lines, this body (Gestures) is an aggregation. What you call as my brain, the entire substance of the psyche is aggregated, contingent on what you are presented to in your life. So your body is a load of food, little or large. Your brain is a pile of impressions, again little or enormous. 

Between these two loads, where the damnation right? In this way, inside, outside – leave these words since with regards to language, there is just that much space, so inside that, perhaps various individuals are attempting to utilize it in various manners, we don't know in what setting they utilized. You put everyone into one group and stated, "Every one of you said this." I don't have the foggiest idea who these all individuals are. Various individuals utilized various strategies around them, taking a gander at the individuals around them, what was best appropriate for the individuals around them, as needs be they would have worked most presumably. 

In the event that they are certifiable, they would have worked with the individuals around them, not with ideas from some place. What… Looking at a unique individual, you will accomplish something, what works for that individual. What you do with this individual (Gestures) may not work for someone else, you'll need to accomplish something different with that individual yet you are discussing a conventional internal, outward. Thus, first figure out what is internal, outward. Everything is outward at the present time. The world is outside, body is additionally outer material, ev… all the material in the psyche likewise is outer so what is this internal you are discussing? At that point you will quickly say atma, paramatma, soul, this one. 

Presently you are going into conviction framework. You don't have the foggiest idea! You realize you have a body, yes? Hi? Members: Yes. Sadhguru: Please check your neighbors (Laughter). You realize you have a body, you trust you have a brain (Laughter). Be that as it may, somewhat, you know yet rest is conviction. Indeed or no? Vinita Bali: Yes. Sadhguru: I'm not addressing whether it's actual or bogus, we should not go there by any means, however it's conviction, it's not yet as far as you can tell. 

On the off chance that you talk about something, which isn't yet you would say, to put it obtusely you're only a bleeding liar, that is the thing that it implies. But since lies are heavenly, lies are written in sacred writings, lies are rehashed by a wide range of individuals who wearing various ways, which are assumed be blessed however ludicrous. Along these lines, you shouldn't...