Is it conceivable to learn 100 words per day?
I don't think 100 words a day is conceivable. Studies have discovered that learning 20 words seven days like numerous schools attempt to instruct jargon doesn't function admirably. Rather the best activity is to learn roots, prefixes and additions.

How would I improve my jargon?
Here are 25 different ways you can improve your composing jargon consistently.
Utilize New Words. Utilize a word following you learn it. ...
Peruse Every Day. ...
Learn Roots. ...
Utilize a Thesaurus. ...
Create Practical Vocabulary. ...
Learn New Words Every Day. ...
Look into Words You Don't Know. ...
Keep a Journal.
In what capacity would students be able to improve their jargon?
5 Tips for Improving Student Vocabulary
Adopt an orderly strategy to jargon practice. Understudies ought to be urged to learn new jargon day by day, however in short sprays. ...
Perusing for significance. ...
Show jargon in setting. ...
Train jargon explicit to content. ...
Word affiliation. ...
What number of new words would i be able to get familiar with a day? Specialists state that students are skilled or holding 10-20 words for each examination hour. In the event that you complete 15 minutes of self-study every day, set a week after week jargon objective of 20-25 words and expressions.
What is a decent jargon? Jargon. ... A jargon is a lot of recognizable words inside an individual's language. A jargon, generally created with age, fills in as a helpful and crucial apparatus for correspondence and obtaining information. Getting a broad jargon is probably the biggest test in learning a subsequent language.