Who the fuck are you? What do you want? What, you wanna tour to my new Dan Lok headquarters? Are you one of those fucking haters? No, okay you better leave a nice comment below. Come on in. (soft music) New Dan Lok headquarters, this is my penthouse. This is where I work, this is where I have meetings, this is where I do business, this is where I manage my empire.
So, this is my office. Usually when people come in, that's where we'll meet. Now, check this out. If you watched the Game of Thrones, you know what I'm talking about. I am very big on wealth triggers. If you follow my work, if you watch my other videos on YouTube, you'll know, I like to have things that represent something, that symbolize something, that creates a certain feeling because I always believe your environment is always more powerful than your willpower. And of course, Mom and Dad, always keeps me inspired and motivated. My Silver Button from YouTube, hopefully very soon, will be a Gold Button.

And this is actually coming from a student of mine who drew this. This is the Guthrie Castle which is my mentor Dan Pena's home. And they know I'm a fan of Batman, Bruce Lee, me, Iron Man and this is Vancouver. Very, very thoughtful. And you can also see the king of high take a selfie. And this is where you will find me a lot of time when I'm doing my thinking time. I'm here just silence and think and will look, just look and think and ask myself some very powerful questions. I always believe in a block of at least a couple hours minimum a week for your thinking time. And now check out the balcony.
So this is where in summertime we have barbecue. We have friends coming over at night or a little fireplace going on right there, fireplace. And it's a great day today. And it's always interesting when I remember when I had no money, there, that hotel Pan Pacific, that's where I would go to and I would... First, I would work there. I couldn't even afford a tea. Eventually as I made more money, I would have a cup of tea, then eventually lunch and then eventually being able to stay there. But that's where I started.
That cafe, that restaurant, I still remember it and then the lobby. And now, I'm looking over there. It always brings back a lot of memories, a lot of memories. Now follow me. Now, you can see, the funny thing is I don't gamble, I don't like gambling, but I'm always very attracted to a poker card. I always, I don't know, I have this in this home, I have it at the other home and why I like this particular piece, when I saw it, love at first sight because the whole thing is actually a map. You can see the details as a cutout and a lot of different pieces put together. I have the ace, I have the joker and then I have the jack, queen and king as well. Now, this is my bedroom.
Some stuff is not meant to be shown on camera or to the fucking public. So this, I've got two rooms here. This is the staff room where they're working away editing. This is Alex helping with editing. So after this video, Alex is the one that makes it all look nice and good on YouTube. Of course, my executive director, Desmond, everybody knows. Good to see you. - What's happening, guys? So, we have that and this you gotta say this is a pretty sweet view. When you're working away, you're looking at here. That is cool. Sometimes it's interesting, you see some people sitting on the balcony having a drink-- - [Desmond] I've seen some interesting stuff. - We've seen some very interesting stuff (laughing) across the building, it is very true. It is very true. Come with me. This is the production room and you can see some gear. We have the Dan Lok Productions. Actually, I haven't seen these before, they just got here. Ah, cool, Dan Lok Productions right there.
And of course, HTC for life. That's cool. We're doing a lot of sweats and different items just for my students. This is where we play. This I remember when I was a little kid and I would go to these arcade game place and I put in a quarter or something like that, I would play. This actually, this machine custom order has over 10,000 games in it. I don't play a lot but it's fun from time to time. We can play a little bit. If our team has an argument, this is how we determine who goes where, who does what. The winner makes the decision, so sometimes we compete on this. And you can see of course, this is my mentor, the $50 Billion Man, Dan Pena. You can see, Dan, many thanks for all your high ticket effort to your quantum leap, life, and biz.
So this is from Dan and this is from Click Funnel. After you have a funnel that generates more than a million dollars, you'll get one of these. I'm probably at a point where I can win 10 of these, but anyway. This is the very same penthouse that Mel Gibson, Liam Neeson, Chow Yun-fat and also Chris Hemsworth, Thor from Marvel, have stayed in and now it's my home. I remember when I first came to Canada, I had no money, no connections. My mom and I, we were living in a one bedroom apartment.
I would sleep in the living room in a sleeping bag. I slept on that sleeping bag for three fucking years, for three years and my mom would sleep in the bedroom. From there, one of the worst neighborhoods in Vancouver to now, Coal Harbour in Vancouver, the most expensive buildings in the entire western Canada. Check out the kitchen. Now this kitchen is actually designed by a Ferrari designer. It cost $400,000. $400,000. And this is the $15 million view. 15 million fucking dollars. When I first got here as a poor immigrant boy, couldn't even afford a $1500 a month rent. I want you to know that you are closer than you think.