This brings back a lot of memories. That's where I used to live, right there, the second floor. Can you see that? That's the one bedroom apartment. My mom and I we were renting there, and I was sleeping in the living room, and my mom was sleeping in the bedroom. I was 14 years old, and when I first arrived I was so terrified, so afraid.
Just so afraid of the world, so afraid of the new environment, that I wouldn't, wouldn't get out of my house. I didn't get out of my house for three days and by the fourth day I was brave enough just to walk around this driveway, that's as far as I would go. It took me a week, a week to get that far, to the bridge.

And then it took me a month to walk around this entire block. It is in that one bedroom apartment that when I was 16 years old, (solemn instrumental music) my mom was having a conversation in that exact room. She was having a conversation with my dad. And that's when we got the news that he went bankrupt in Hong Kong. And my mom was crying on the phone, and she was just crying and crying. After the conversation I knocked on the door and said, "Mom is everything okay?" And she opened the door and she said, "Yeah, it's fine, don't worry about it, son."
And that look on her face I'll never forget. That at that moment I made a commitment to myself, "It is okay to let myself down, "it's not okay to let my family down." And coming back here, it's just like Tony Robbins said, "Don't overestimate what you can accomplish in a year. "And don't underestimate what you "can accomplish in a decade." (sighs) It's amazing, truly amazing.